Afterward, the sun shinning on the front steps of my house brightly beckoned. As I sat in the still of the morning hour, the only audible sounds were of sparrows chirping from where I could see them, flittering high on a pine tree; other birds rustling in the bushes they call home, and calling from all sides of our house to the day or to each other. In that moment I remembered one of the reasons why I liked this house before buying it – I called it ‘the tree house’ and it’s true, besides being surrounded - almost encroached upon my husband would say - by trees, I can hear bird song all around – all the time – it’s like living in my own personal tree house. I like it a lot! Anyway, bird song….also, I began to notice the trees, rose bushes etc

I remembered the Japanese bridge at Monet’s gardens covered in lavender wisteria, it was so fragrant and magical – felt like walking right into one of his paintings. This was my morning moment – magical, quiet, soothing and restful. I remembered reading the article recently, from MSN, about how nearly extinct are the spaces on earth that are completely free of man made sound. I could hear the hum of the highway in the distant background and I thought – how fortunate I am to live in this space – even if it does have some man made noise infiltrating. In all this quiet and beauty I opened my Bible to read my daily verses.
Currently, I’ve been reading the minor prophets in the Old Testament and just began Mark in the New Testament. This morning it was Nahum and Mark 2. What do you think I discovered? Do you all know the verse in Psalms 119:18 …Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law… I love that verse. It’s a true prayer and answer.
Anyway, after reading and praying some scripture for my dearly beloveds, I summed it all up like this…
Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good. When trouble comes, He is a strong refuge. And He knows everyone who trusts in Him.
Mark 2:27
Then He (being Jesus) said to them (being the Pharisees/symbolic of religious hypocrites) “The Sabbath was made to benefit people, and not people to benefit the Sabbath. And I, the Son of Man, am Master even of the Sabbath.”
We need rest; we often need a refuge for our bodies, minds, souls and spirits. What do we run to in order to find needed rest?
In the midst of the judgment that Nahum was prophesying over the wicked inhabitants of Ninevah, God spoke – He is good – He is a strong refuge – He knows who trusts Him. I find this comforting. God does not want to tolerate my sin, that’s why He sent Christ to die for it – to pay the price I could not pay. However, God does want me to know of His goodness, His sanctuary for me and His intimate knowledge of me and my needs. I liked that. Then I read about Jesus dealing with the Pharisees. He healed the paralytic so readily and amazed the onlookers but was criticized by the hypocrites. Later, His disciples were walking through a grain field plucking the heads of wheat off and I could just imagine them munching those like granola or something, and the hypocrites criticized Jesus again with their rigid man made law of no work on the Sabbath. Christ’s response – the Sabbath (day of rest) was made to serve/benefit you – and by the way I am Master of that day of rest.
The ‘Ah ha’ moment hit me. I could enjoy the breakfast, the birds, the trees even the silence, because God made those for me to fill my need for rest in specific areas. But, true rest – the kind that I walk away feeling physically refreshed, mentally renewed and spiritually satisfied only comes when HE is the Master of my rest. And, HE ordained a rest for me from the beginning of time. Someone asked me today, if I regularly honor the Sabbath. My response, I don’t do it ‘religiously’ but more out of practicality. I like to have my house clean and ready for the weekend by Friday. I don’t like to clean all day on Saturday like we used to when we were young. I like to read, paint, walk, enjoy my family, the garden and the sun or the rain on Saturdays. On Sunday mornings, I like to go to church, experience corporate worship, some community, and hear the Bible taught accurately, with application and passion. I like to go out for lunch on Sunday afternoons. I don’t like to routinely cook on Sundays but always like to cook for special occasions or guests. And by Sunday evening I am busy working and preparing for the next week. These are more my practical and selfish habits than my religious habits. There is no point in being religious – rather our relationship with GOD through Jesus Christ should be the vibrancy that brings our heart, mind, soul and spirit it's truest rest.
I hope you get to rest in and with the Master today – reenergize with His word, through enjoying His creation and listening to the promptings of His Spirit. God is good – HE is a strong refuge and HE knows you - who trust in Him.
If you haven’t yet trusted in Christ – do so now – ask Him to be Master of your rest.
Then write to me and let me know.
In His Amazing Love and Blessed Rest,
to learn more about the Jewish perspective of Sabbath http://www.everythingjewish.com/Shabbat/Shabbat_Origins.htm
Day of Rest - poster by Asher B. Durand