Saturday, February 11, 2006
Jump the Heart
Pulse One: 2.11.06
Jump Your Heart
Who are you, who am I and why are you reading this page? Through this means, what will we ever really know about each other - except for what we are honestly willing to risk and reveal. As I thought about the first posting to this page - the hook - as it were – I was immobilized - caught in the net of fear. Then, last night I realized – this page doesn't have to be genius or even interesting - but it should be real and honest at the very least; unafraid and not too wordy perhaps. Shaa Right - like that could ever happen. Anyway…
Referenced above, as the definitive for this page, is Matthew 6:19-21 (from the Holy Bible /NLT/ in case some of you are wondering) because it talks about treasure, heart and thoughts. Those are the peanut butter and jelly sandwich with ice-cold milk of the human spirit and soul. If I'm loving something and it’s precious to me - then my thoughts are revolving around it 24/7. Some people refer to that as obsessive or Gollum like behavior; whatever. I refer to it as inspired and insightful. Jesus spoke these words because He understood our human nature was to obsess about the stuff we could see, feel, hear, smell, taste and touch – that’s right 6 senses. He also understood that all that stuff - anything that relates to earthly time and space - is deteriorating. It doesn't last. So, He said, "Hey don’t invest your energy in stuff that turns rusty or gets eaten by moths or stolen by thieves, rather invest your energy in stuff that remains, that can’t be taken away and doesn’t rot. Wherever your investment is, there is where your heart and your thoughts will be also." (my paraphrase)
Think about it now. In what are we heavily invested? What is precious to us? What consumes our time in thought, feeling and action?
Last night, my 17-year-old accidentally swerved his tires into a muddy bank; they were quickly captured by the ‘demon’ mud dragging his four-wheel drive deeper and deeper into the ditch, which eventually flipped his truck on its passenger side and slid it along for approximately 15 feet toward a waiting, well established Douglas Fir. Fortunately, “something” stopped the Nissan bullet before hitting its target….and who knows…exploding! I naturally thought about it a lot last night.
I stood at the scene on this deserted back road, freezing, on a beautiful, clear moonlit night, with tow truck lights creating an eerie silhouette around the darkened figure of my baby boy realizing, through that incident and in an instant, he could have been taken from this life and me. A thin line separates all of us from the eternal; a hairline fracture in space and time between the finite and the infinite. I was as thankful that he wasn't taken as I am confident in what is his eternal destiny.
Jesus said – don’t make the finite your focus people – focus on the infinite. Anyone of us can be taken in the next instant.
Earlier this week, I heard about another friend who crossed the great-divide while on the tennis court. His heart had a massive attack. He was only 60. He was a generous man, an excellent doctor of dentistry who loved children and gave his time and resources to the neediest through our He crossed over while doing something he loved. That was a nice way to go. At his memorial, people gave to orphaned kids, instead of sending flowers. To me, that’s a great illustration of loving and eternal investment.
Most people will never speculate here. They may never figure out the eternal perspective. They will only be concerned with what is in front of them at the moment. I believe those of us who do contemplate eternity and understand the truth about it - must tell.
Ergo this page begins: For those of you who stop by and don’t fully understand, let me explain. I believe there is only one-way to jumpstart the heart into eternity. That is, to know intimately the One from whom eternity stems. That One is God – eternal, almighty and sovereign – Jesus Christ who Himself is LOVE incarnate. You have to make a decision to know Him first and then you can find out what’s important to Him; and what you should be investing in.
It’s not difficult to know Him. He wrote the book about Himself through men inspired by Himself….so you just have to read about Him in the book – the Holy Bible – my latest favorite is the New Living Translation – check it out! Fine Print Warning:you won’t find the real Him in the book of mormon or the watchtower magazine; and you won’t necessarily find out what is really eternal investment by watching tv-evangelists. Billy Graham is an exception – he doesn’t want your money – he only wants you to give your heart away to Jesus Christ – the only true SON of God – God Himself incarnate– opposite of what the formerly mentioned believe.
Anyway, after you know Him, you can ask the question; In what does He say I must invest? I believe you will find the answer in His own words; Matthew 6:33 "...make the Kingdom of God your primary concern."
Finally... (Random Movie Quote)
“lemme splain – no its too much – lemme sum up; Buttercup is marrying Humperdink in little less than half an hour…” Name that film: ____________ !
...Our natural state is fragile, deplorable and declining. Our eternal state is dependent upon our investment while here on earth. Will we invest in eternity – by becoming intimate with God and making His Kingdom our primary concern or will we continue the senseless stockpiling of stuff, tangible and ‘un’ that is eventually to expire?
I want to jump my heart into eternity – everyday. I want my heart and thoughts to be consumed by eternal treasure that is non-corruptible….and again to be clear, I’m not talking about silver, gold, health, wealth and prosperity. I’m talking about endless time and relationship with the One who said – "Hey, I’m going to prepare a place for you and I’m coming back to take you there so that you can be there with ME where I am." (my paraphrase again) I’m talking about fulfilling my highest purpose for existence - 'to know God and enjoy Him forever'.
Jump in and let me know what you think….
end Pulse One
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