Malawian Sunset on Michingi/Chipata Road near Njewa Mission Center
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free…
I was reading the book of Galatians on my mornings in Malawi—enjoying the quiet and wondering why God would have me read this book in particular during this time. It became all too clear very soon.
God taught me a couple of ‘stand fast’ lessons.
As the team leader for this group, I had prayed for many weeks prior for the LORD to show me what to do and what to prepare for etc. Each time His answer was the same “NOTHING.” This disturbed me immensely. I came to the point where I even thought, perhaps I should not be going on this trip at all. Yet, I proceeded until further notice as it were and kept praying and seeking, leading the team through the preliminaries etc.
When we finally were in Malawi, I could see that God was using my natural leadership or inclination to be in control skills for navigating airports and such. And He was using my early morning devotion time as well. On the first morning at Njewa Mission Center, I was up at 5:30 a.m. finding a quiet and solitary place. Listening to the bird song and taking in the breath of Malawi. It was wonderful.
At 7:00 a.m. I met Jonathan the construction clerk. He told me the men gathering at the yet to be completed dinning hall were coming for prayer time as they do each morning. Of course, automatically I humbly asked if I could join them. He invited me enthusiastically and of course I wound up being the speaker, sharing the Bible verses for the morning. It was a tremendous and humbling moment for me to be standing in this open air dinning hall with 54 Malawian men sharing with them from the word of God. How did God do that?
Later I faced a tremendous and humbling challenge. The team challenged a decision in our itinerary, which I thought would be a highlight of the trip. It had to do with going to another village to visit our children. This particular village had challenges of its own. The last time I visited there, we had no steady water and no electricity for three days. We bathed out of barrels that collected water if it came on during the night. We ate, read and walked by candle or flashlight and guess what, we survived. However, this team was nervous about the unknown and they were comfortable at the mission center.
What I knew, was that being in the same living quarters or at least area with the children, was a treat that could not be experienced in any of our other programs in Malawi. I knew they would meet the children on the way to school and back; they would see them playing and have a chance to interact with them and the house parents, one on one, in a way that was unique. I knew it would be a highlight and that the thoughts of discomfort would soon pass away like a woman in childbirth who cannot remember her pain once the joy of her child comes.
After the meeting that night, I cried. I asked the LORD what I should do and He said “NOTHING” but I knew that meant I was to fast and pray.
The next morning I was up and in prayer. At breakfast a dear friend noticed I had not served myself breakfast. I said, no I’m not eating this morning. Then I remembered I had to take my Malaria medicine so I served myself a few bites of oatmeal or was it a piece of toast and tea—no matter. I think my friend, who had witnessed the events of the night before knew what was up, and I believe also prayed.
A little later that morning, the co-team leader, who was a man and had led teams before, returned for our devotion time. Previous to that, I told him about the night's events. I cried some more. He told me, “Carmen, you cannot be responsible for the happiness of this team…You are not their happy god.” This was the same lesson the LORD had taught him a year before. Immediately I thought of my morning devotions in Galatians.
These folks were like the Greeks—the uncircumcised whom felt compelled by the Jews the circumcised to be brought under the old law of circumcision. However, Paul said, why are you going to be entangle again in that bondage. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:29. Suddenly the message came clear…these people are all one team. Even though we were literally 4 teams that arrived at different times put together, we were there as ONE team. I felt sure God wanted it this way and mentioned it to the co-leader. And I felt intense freedom because I also realized that these people were all individuals in Christ Jesus and HE ALONE wanted to make their trip UNIQUE.
Right then and there, I released the whole matter. I told the co-leader who was now going to initiate discussion on the topic, that I did not want to force anyone to come or go, but I also wanted to start speaking of these teams, as ONE team. He agreed. He gave a great talk and discussion ensued. Members battled with their choice over the next days until the time came to go. They all went to the village. They all loved it there, and we were never out of water or power. Amazing indeed.
Near the end of the trip, one team member confessed to me being in disagreement with about 90% of my decision making over the entire trip and was happy to report being wrong 100% of the time. “Every thing you wanted us to do that I didn’t want to do turned out to be a highlight of my trip.” I thanked him for the compliment, I think it was a compliment anyway….glass half full syndrome.
God made the trip for each individual including me. I so enjoyed every moment and some of those moments a lot more than others and they are burned into the soul of my life experience forever…the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. God said do nothing and HE did it all.
Glory be to the LORD. Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made you free… to enjoy and experience HIM and let others do the same.
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